I was digging through the AANM Flickr photostream and rediscovered a bunch of old photos of me. Having worked behind the camera for a fair amount of time, I’m still not entirely comfortable being in front of the lens. Here’s a quick photo dump of some of the more tolerable images. There’s plenty more that I wish would just disappear.
2014 AANM Gala
2014 AANM Gala
AANM Cultural Salon with Chef Sameh Wadi
Devon Akmon, Mr. Russell J. Ebeid, and NAB Chair Manal Saab commemorating the Russell J. Ebeid Library & Resource Center at the AANM
Suma Rosen, Maha Freij, Manal Saab, and Devon Akmon with Russell J. Ebeid at the naming ceremony for the Russell J. Ebeid Library & Resource Center.
2014 AANM Gala
Ribbon cutting for the Russell J. Ebeid Library & Resource Center.
Crain’s 40 Under 40 – Class of 2013 Ceremony
Dinner with Helen.
Dinner with Nader.
2014 Concert of Colors
2014 AANM Gala
2014 AANM Gala